Chiropractic Assistant Technician

Caden - A Chiropractic Technician
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Caden Metzler
Our Chiropractic Technician

Hi my name is Caden Metzler. I'm originally from Madison, WI and I love Skateboarding, film photography, fishing, playing music, and art. I'm a Tech CA here at Balance Chiropractic Center.

I'm graduating this year (2024) majoring in Kinesiology & Pre-chiropractic, with a certificate in interdisciplinary health sciences. I've had a background with Chiropractic my whole life; Grandpa, Mom, uncles - are all chiropractors.

I was really thrilled to have this opportunity to gain some real world experience before heading to Graduate college to become a chiropractor myself. What could be better than helping people get healthy?!