Educate yourself about your spine, body, and your health

Increase your knowledge about your body's healing process

Our Spinal Workshops are an essential aspect of the healing process. Reason being that the more education a patient has regarding their spine and nervous system, the easier it is for them to heal.

There is a subconscious power of understanding and awareness for the body's healing process. Thus, the reason for teaching hospitals achieving better results than non-teaching ones. Therefore, we make it manadatory for each patient to attend at least one workshop the first month under care.

There are different topics covered, they are a part of the care so they don't cost anything, and they're only a half hour on Tuesdays between 5:30-6:00pm. We encourage for our patients to bring guests. Due to limited room we cap the number of atttnedees to 9 people per session.

Chiro Pin

Schedule your appointment today!

Free screening for new patients


Our Spinal Workshops Schedule:
Tuesdays 5:30 - 6:00 PM

  • Our new workshop schedule coming soon...

Remember To Bring
A Guest/Spouse Or Significant Other
The More The Merrier!

Book Your Spot Now!

Note: The topics may change depending on patients needs and demands.